What PERCOCET 10MG/325MG is used for?
Buy PERCOCET 10MG/325MG is the commercial name of a type 2 controlled medicine composed of paracetamol (analgesic and antipyretic) and oxycodone , often prescribed to relieve moderate to severe pain.
It is used to treat moderate to severe pain that is not properly treated with other pain relievers, which is available in the USA in the form of tablets.These do not treat the underlying cause of the pain.
What is the dosage of PERCOCET 10MG?
Buy PERCOCET 10MG/325MG is considered to use as prescribed by the doctor. Initiate treatment with this tablet 2.5 mg/325 mg adult dosage, with one or 2 tablets every 6 hours as needed for pain. The total daily dose of acetaminophen should not exceed 4 grams.
The usual adult dosage is one tablet every 6 hours as needed for pain. The total daily dose of acetaminophen should not exceed 4 grams.
The initial dosage for this medicine is 1 tablet every 6 hours as needed for pain and the maximum dosage is 6 Tablets per day.
Side effects of this medicine
Since Buy PERCOCET 10MG/325MG tablets is an opioid-based analgesic, its long-term use or improper use can trigger many side effects. Addiction is one of the leading side effects of Percocet ingestion. The reason many people get addicted is that they start using successively higher doses to achieve the same feeling of pleasure and calmness. Other side-effects related to the use of Percocet are:
- Constipation
- Dehydration
- Miosis or pupil constriction
- Trouble breathing
- Fast heartbeat or palpitations
- Necrosis
- Metabolic disturbances, including low blood sugar
- Liver damage
In the case of breast-feeding mothers, small amounts of oxycodone can pass to the baby through breast milk resulting in sleepiness, breathing issues and death in some cases. For those whom has ADHD , Vayarin may help them.
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